Community Spirit
photos of Big Lake, MN


     Town Meeting

2nd Saturday in April

9:00 am – conclusion of business

Searsmont Community Building Meeting Room


                         State Primary and/or Referendum possible
               School Budget Referendum
               Usually the 2nd Tuesday in June

8:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.

Community Building Meeting Room


State of Maine General Election

Tuesday after the first Monday in November

8:00 am – 8:00 pm

Community Building Meeting Room

Election dates are subject to change.


 How do I register to vote?

Bring ID and Proof of Residency into the Town Office anytime during our regular hours.  A registrar is also available at the polls during each election, and at the party caucuses for 1/2 hour before they start.

 How do I vote absentee?

You can:

  • Come into the office and fill out the Absentee Ballot Request Form.  You will be given a ballot and return envelope.  If the ballots are not yet available, one will be mailed to you once they are received from the printers. 
  • Go online to complete an electronic ballot request at the Online Absentee Ballot Request service.  A ballot will be mailed to you as soon as they are available.
  • Once ballots are available, you can cast your absentee ballot in the office, completing the ballot and sealing it in an envelope to be processed on election day or during our early processing of absentee ballots (typically only with high turn-out elections).

 Where do I vote?

Searsmont Community Building
Lower Level Entrance
37 Main Street South
Searsmont  ME  04973

 Can I pick up a ballot for my husband/wife/mother/father/child

An Absentee Ballot Request form must be completed for each individual requesting a ballot.  You can request and pick up a ballot for an immediate family member.

 Who should I contact with further questions?

Kathy Hoey - Interim Town Clerk

Official Website of Searsmont Maine.
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